
Product Strategy

Making successful products requires more than making beautiful products. Nothing happens by chance!

The right Product Strategy allows your company to learn the key elements and steps to put your brand in the minds and hearts of your ideal customers.

Having great products and exceptional service isn’t enough to compete.

Having a comprehensive strategy for your business will help determine who your ideal customers are, how to deliver the experiences they want, where they want them, how to nurture relationships that lead to long-term customer engagement.

We know how to make it work, from the product concept to the right communication.

Product Management

From design to its realization.

Our long experience allows us to determine what are the ideal objectives to transform your ideas into desirable, feasible and eco-sustainable products.

Cost/benefit analysis of a product industrialization system or of its production determined in a proactive manner, exponentially reduces the errors of assessment, guaranteeing, at the end of the process, a competitive and winning product positioning on the market.

We are able to coordinate the skills and abilities of your company or seek outsourcing solutions to achieve the purpose:

“Making products that meet the needs and requirements of customers throughout their product-market life cycle”.

Art Direction / Design

With the experience gained in more than 20 years in the design product sector, ADPdesign is able to accompany companies in terms of product-image towards recognition and success objectives:

“Each company has its right and best place in the general market framework”.

Through detailed customer analyzes, we are able to define the ideal mood in terms of image and product, coordinating both any internal design and that made by external designers.

By exploiting our innate ability to involve internal resources, our ultimate goal is to generate internal teams within companies by working towards objectives over time, so as to make the existing structure able to continue in complete autonomy for long years.


Product or process innovation is the key to success for companies that compete globally.

One of the most widespread beliefs that in fact limits real innovation very much, is that one must necessarily create something new, never seen before, to be successful in the market. This is not always the case!

The innovation of the product or the product process, for us, passes through a first in-depth study and analysis of the capabilities and skills of the company, its market, its production capacity and then defining exactly what is the right way to truly innovate.

The choice is yours: do you want to do something “new” or do high-impact innovation for your companies and your customers?

Technical Development / Engeenring

Through the most up-to-date technical drawing software, compatible with most of the IT systems internal to companies, we are able to satisfy any need for technical product industrialization, from the sketch to the realization of tables and information for production, from structural calculation mathematics for complex surfaces.

We can support both companies, freelancers and designers who wish to propose their product ideas on the market, offering the guarantee of information to be passed to those who produce, with the right and most advantageous production process.


A complex network of specific prototypers with many years of experience supports our technical team in the development of new product concepts.

From wood to plastic, from 3D printing to the “handmade” model, we are able to reproduce prototypes in any material in order to make the finished product understandable both from an aesthetic and a functional point of view.

“The prototype is the first pleasure, seeing an idea transformed into matter”

Training Academy

“Learning is like rowing against the tide, if you stop you go back” (prov. Chinese)

At ADPdesign, we believe that training in companies is the basis of fundamental knowledge for global competition. In the modern world that starts with ever increasing speed at higher levels of complexity, it is absolutely necessary to keep company knowledge high by drawing on the most disparate skills.

We are able to build teams with specific levels of professionalism on aspects that were little considered until yesterday, but structural for tomorrow’s competition.

Man + Space + Object are at the center of our skills where knowledge of psychology, sociology, anthropology, ergonomics, acoustics, lighting technology, architecture, morphology of materials, product semantics, regulations, etc. are concentrated.